Industrial marketing (B2B) content with a pricing approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Marketing Management, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Tehran Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Industrial (B2B) content marketing is a set of activities aimed at creating, distributing and managing valuable content for industrial audiences. This content can include articles, blogs, infographics, e-books, videos, etc. Pricing is one of the most important factors in industrial marketing. Proper pricing can help attract customers, increase sales, and improve profitability. Content marketing should focus on product value. Content should help customers understand the value of the product. This can lead to an increase in the price of the product. Content industrial marketing must be aligned with the company's pricing goals. Content should help meet the company's pricing goals. Industrial marketing content must be suitable for the target audience. The content should be in harmony with the needs and demands of the target audience. In this review article, the relationship between content industrial marketing and pricing is discussed.
